Monday, July 13, 2009

Worst. Week. Ever. (for running that is)

I guess not for Sandra though! Congrats to her for having a successful week! Thank you Smams for inspiring me!

Alright, back to me! ;) Remember when I joked about taking a week off? Apparently I wasn't joking. This last week, I only ran once. So sad. So disappointed. And when I did run, it was a measly 3 miles, that I didn't even run the whole way, and was super grumpy with afterwards. I'm not quite sure what my deal was last week, but I just wasn't feeling it. Sat, I left for Temecula at 7:30 in the morning to do a wedding, and I didn't get home until 7:30 at night, so there would be no 6 mile run that night.

And I had EVERYTHING going for me! *I got the tires fixed for my jogging stroller so I can go out now in the morning with Declan, which is what I prefer to do instead of the treadmill. *I had a dr. appt this last week and I was weighed (fully clothed) at less than my home scale, and I'm now 157!!! SOOO much less than I started this year out with. *I tried on and FIT INTO 2 pairs of pre-pregnancy shorts, that I hadn't fit into since, well, before I was pregnant....which would be 2 years now. (Whoa, that's weird!)

So with all the goodness of this past week, apparently I thought I was off the hook of being responsible. Not so much. Ok, from here on out, we're gonna see some changes:

-No fast food.*
-Running the scheduled amount of miles on the scheduled days.
-Doing some weight training as well as running.
-Still doing some sort of exercise on my "rest" days. (Except Sunday's which are truly rest days.)
-Get really serious about this upcoming race by praying for strength and endurance for Sandra and I!

I'm sure there is more I can do and when I figure those out, I will add to this list. Next week I hope to be as positive as Sandra's post today! If you don't hear from me before than, wish me luck!!!

*except while on vacation July 31st-Aug the way, in case you didn't know, my middle name is "Excuse." :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Rebeccal, do not worry! I'm praying for you/us too. You have so much more dedication than I do, so I know you won't fail.
    Congrats on the dr appt weigh-in!!! That's quite an accomplishment :D You rock my face off! (That's an old reference that I'll have to tell you about later...)
